Core Strategy

Our Method was researched and implemented over a period of three years. It is highly effective and incredibly productive.

Where We Focus

Focus is on the disenfranchised poor and rural  villages in areas along the border of Nepal and India where traffickers exploit the unknowing.


Visit our gallery and be inspired by the pictures of our teams as they labor, warn, and leave a message of hope and encouragement.


   One of our Teams will be in the villages for up to two weeks.  During that time they will talk to people one-on-one, hold meetings in the village streets, engage people in the fields and entire village schools will gather the children to listen to our presentations and dramatizations.  THIS METHOD IS 100% PREVENTION.

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Our MOTTO at the Save The Daughters Project is ~ Every Daughter Counts! 

They will listen if only you will help tell them.

our ministry works!!

  • Isn't prevention a better way to serve?
  • Why should we wait for a life to be destroyed and marred?
  • Imagine the pain and anguish you can stop from happening.
  • If you ever wanted to truly deter trafficking ~ this is it!

We Believe Talk's Cheap

It doesn't take much to help a team walk through the hot border villages.  But it does take people who care to join them.  Get the details and join our monthly newsletter now.

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   When mothers hear about the atrocities being committed by those who deceive the young, they become the best watchmen to deter future traffickers.

   Kids in schools have an emotional awareness together that they sometimes don't have alone.  When the group hears a presentation on how traffickers trick young girls...they all remember.