
It's very simple...we warn them...teach them...and give them the tools so they don't get trafficked in the first place.  We are experts at prevention!

ef·fec·tive ~ effective ~ "successful in producing a desired or intended result."

   Wisdom though experience – Our Save The Daughters prevention method was researched and implemented over a period of three years. Our mother organization, The Transformation Fellowship, has over twenty-five years of experience working in the Himalayan Mountain Range and was one of the first to implement assisting indigenous men and women as a practical way to reach unreached peoples.

   We focus on the disenfranchised and the villages. Although we started out assisting with border-monitoring locations, we quickly realized that other groups were also working in this way. BUT GIRLS WERE STILL BEING TRAFFICKED! So we took a new approach ~ We decided to implement a program of warning the girls before the traffickers ever got a chance to deceive and lure them with false promises into this life of hell.


It only takes a moment to change a life forever....