It's very simple...we warn them...teach them...and give them the tools so they don't get trafficked in the first place. We are experts at prevention!
ef·fec·tive ~ effective ~ "successful in producing a desired or intended result."
Wisdom though experience – Our Save The Daughters prevention method was researched and implemented over a period of three years. Our mother organization, The Transformation Fellowship, has over twenty-five years of experience working in the Himalayan Mountain Range and was one of the first to implement assisting indigenous men and women as a practical way to reach unreached peoples. We focus on the disenfranchised and the villages. Although we started out assisting with border-monitoring locations, we quickly realized that other groups were also working in this way. BUT GIRLS WERE STILL BEING TRAFFICKED! So we took a new approach ~ We decided to implement a program of warning the girls before the traffickers ever got a chance to deceive and lure them with false promises into this life of hell.
WE DECIDED TO SEND TEAMS TO THE VILLAGES MOST AT RISK! We have mapped and contacted every major Christian church along the border of Nepal in order to utilize their volunteer assistance in the anti-trafficking and follow up program. We’ve also mapped and determined the One Hundred Seven (107) areas where trafficking is most prevalent and where our teams will go. We make sure our donors’ gifts count for eternity. Our resources belong to God. We have taught throughout the years that whether a gift is large or small, it can still have incredible impact in the region where we labor. We have always believed that the right gift, in the right place, to the right person is the best way to serve in our ministry. We are stewards – not profiteers – or as the Scriptures call it “peddlers.”
Let's be honest with ourselves...if what a ministry or mission does isn't effective with accountable, measurable, and fruitful goals...why would anyone want to help? We are effective! We go to the young children in the villages, on paths, in streets and schools, look them right in the eye and give them a message they will never forget ~mixed with a generous amount of Hope.
It only takes a moment to change a life forever....
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